Sunday, November 15, 2015

Q1 Report Cards

Good afternoon-

Quarter One report cards were sent home on Friday 11/13.  Please contact a member of your student's team, guidance or administration if you have any questions/concerns on the Q1 report card.  We are committed to working with you to promote your student's growth.

In addition to the report cards we also sent home the following documents:

Grade 8 - STEAM Open House Invitation
Grades 6-8 - 11/30/15- New Hours information letter

Jennifer Gillis

Sunday, November 8, 2015

2015 Field Hockey City Champions!

Congratulations to our Field hockey team on winning the 2015 City Championship!

PSG - Blue Ribbon Award

Good evening-

I am writing to share some exciting news about our Parent Support Group (PSG).  The Southside PSG recently received the Blue Ribbon award from the NH Partners in Education.  This award recognizes school partnerships that promote school volunteer activities.

Our Southside PSG members have volunteered hours at events such as: dances, concerts, drama productions, school events, fundraisers, and planning meetings.  Our school community is enhanced by these actives and from the support of our PSG.  We will proudly display our award and photo from the NH Partners in Education event.

On behalf of the students and staff of Southside, we thank our volunteers for all you do for our school!

Jennifer Gillis